We are thrilled that you have chosen to use MuchSkills. In this guide you have everything you need to get started as efficiently as possible. If you have any questions or need help, please write to us at support@muchskills.com or use the chat feature.
Everything you need to know about MuchSkills and how to integrate it into Project Management & productivity tools and HR/HRIS systems. Find all integrations in the navigation to the left.
We build custom integrations on request. Use the chat in the bottom-right corner (Yellow bubble), e-mail us at support@muchskills.com or submit a form to discuss!
MuchSkills’ open API allows you to seamlessly export skills data directly into your software suite, including Power BI, Salesforce, and other tools. Learn more about our API here.
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Looking for specific information? Try the Index to the left.
Want to get in touch? Use the chat in the bottom-right corner (Yellow bubble), e-mail us at support@muchskills.com or submit a form