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Muchskills 3.1 - Skill insights that team leaders have so far only dreamed about

Muchskills 3.1 - Skill insights that team leaders have so far only dreamed about

  • Skill Analysis Feature
  • User Profile Settings UX and Design Update
  • Improved Filter Functionality
  • Users can change associated email
  • Ability to remove past projects
  • Improved text rendering in sector charts
  • Skill insight page filter update
  • Lots of small little tweaks, loaders, placeholder screens and more

More than a month has passed since the MuchSkills 3.0 release and we are amazed by all the positive feedback and interesting insights that users have shared. At one such call a user discovered how their development team lacked enough expertise in JavaScript development, an important discovery 💡

What did you discover as you clicked around? We would love to hear from you so please don’t hesitate to share your stories by sending an email to wow@muchskills.com. With that being said, we are super excited for yet another release, our 3.1 update and can’t wait to see how you would use it.

Skill Gap Analysis - Skills for 2025

Presenting Skill Analysis

A tool that will help you quickly identify the skill gaps and opportunities in your organisation. Want to learn if your organisation has the necessary skills for 2025, or want to simply understand if your team has the necessary backend technical requirements to succeed - Skill Analysis helps you with that.

You can simply go to TEAM/ORG at the top menu and you will now see a new menu item called “Analysis”  Click it!

You can now create lists of skills that are important for a department, a specific role, the entire organisation or a single office.

The overview you always wanted

Track lists of skills that matter the most to your organisation.

For each department, role, or anything you like, set the skills you want to regularly analyse and monitor even as some employees develop new skills or build existing ones and others join and leave the organisation.

Department core skills

Create lists with the core skills for each department and easily add any type of skills including soft skills, technical skills, and custom skills.

Core skills per role

Make it easy for employees to understand what skills are required for each role. List the soft skills engineers must have or technical skills salespeople should bring to the table.

Mandatory skills

To be able to carry out certain tasks or processes organisations may have a list of required skills such as machine operation skills, compliance certifications, and much more. List these as mandatory skills.

List skills of the future

What skills will matter in 2025? Is it critical thinking and analysis, complex problem-solving, and self-management? Help your team understand what skills will help them succeed in the future.

We hope you enjoy these updates and other improvements. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like us to explore any other topics that may be valuable to your organization or team members. We are all ears.

Made with ❤️in Göteborg 🇸🇪 and with the support of our amazing colleagues in Ukraine 🇺🇦

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