Press release

MuchSkills wins acclaimed Red Dot Design Award 2020

July 15, 2020
MuchSkills wins acclaimed Red Dot Design Award 2020

The award recognises our efforts to enable individuals and organizations to build strengths-based workplaces, says Up Strategy Lab CEO Daniel Nilsson

Up Strategy Lab is delighted to announce that has won the prestigious Red Dot Award: Brands & Communication Design 2020 in the category of User Experience and Interface Design.

MuchSkills is a strengths and skills visualization web-based software developed by Up Strategy Lab that enables individuals and organisational teams to better communicate their skills and also manage them. Its patent-pending user experience on both desktop and mobile makes it easy for individuals to create and track their skills profiles over time.

The Red Dot is an acclaimed international design award that is considered to be the seal of quality for good design. It is awarded in three disciplines: product design, communication design and design concepts. In 2020, over 6,900 designers and companies submitted their designs online and were evaluated by a jury composed of international experts across industries. 

“I am very pleased that our efforts to enable individuals and organizations to build strengths-based workplaces have been recognized by such a prestigious award,” said Daniel Nilsson, CEO of Up Strategy Lab.

Noel Braganza, Head of Product at MuchSkills, said: “We submitted MuchSkills not only because of its thoughtful design but also because of its intuitive user experience that makes otherwise complex data accessible to everyone. While platforms like LinkedIn and CVs focus on an individual's employment history, MuchSkills allows people to visually communicate their current strengths and also their future skills goals.”

Red Dot founder and CEO, Professor Dr Peter Zec, said: “Only the best-designed brands and communication projects were ultimately selected. The award for your work is proof of its high design quality.”

Other 2020 Red Dot Award winners in different categories include well known brands such as Ericsson, Hyundai Motors and Fujitsu.

About the Red Dot Design Award:

The Red Dot Award is an international design competition for product design, communication design and design concepts. With more than 18,000 entries, it is one of the world’s largest and most prestigious design competitions. More information is available at

About Up Strategy Lab:

Up Strategy Lab is a design and strategy consulting firm based out of Gothenburg, Sweden, with clients located across the globe. 

Founded as a partnership by two LGBTQ founders, Up Strategy Lab provides strategic communication and design services for various companies looking to scale and internationalize. Up Strategy Lab provides hands-on strategy consulting services by building agile, lean and efficient teams that are trained to utilize design thinking processes in order to tackle complex business problems.

More information is available at

About MuchSkills

MuchSkills is a technology startup founded by Up Strategy Lab in November 2019. 

The product, launched in May 2020, is a modern skills visualization software designed to enable employees and organizations to better communicate and manage their strengths and skills and skill sets. Since its launch, MuchSkills has seen steady and organic growth with its users touching close to 1,000 in a little over two months.

MuchSkills was born after its founders realised that though the nature of work has evolved tremendously over the years, the ways in which people communicate their skills – through CVs, a tool from the 1950s – has not. 

MuchSkills is the future team skills database and an individual’s personal strengths growth tracker. 

More information is available at

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